NW Pathfinder

Download the latest version of the NW Pathfinder to find future Traditional Event Volkssport events:

July-August 2024



The Northwest Pathfinder is the official newsletter of the Pathfinder Volkssport Club of the Northwest.

The printed  and mailed membership copies include YR Events and other Interesting data for the Volkssport Community.

General Questions about the NW Pathfinder, submitting ads and distribution questions:
Contact Chase Davis  nwpathfinder@comcast.net


Washington & Oregon Event Newsletter

The Northwest Pathfinder is the official newsletter of the Pathfinder Volkssport Club of the Northwest published bimonthly with information about upcoming events in both Washington and Oregon.  It contains a wealth of information about volkssporting including awards, credit, trail ratings, member clubs and their officers, and an event locator map.
The newsletter is sent to all Active and Associate Members of the Pathfinder Volkssport Club of the Northwest. Annual membership dues are $14/$25 (Foreign Delivery – US funds)  Annual dues revised to $14.00 on April 7, 2019 due to increases in paper and postage.
Join now to receive the newsletter:   Click here to access the Pathfinder Membership Form

NEW  Order the NW Pathfinder Newsletter online  Click Here

For more information about The Northwest Pathfinder, distribution contact

Officers and Representatives for July 1, 2023— June 30, 2024

Chase Davis—President
Helen Ross—Vice President
Sandy Dunterman—Secretary
Diane Wagner—Treasurer
Washington State Representatives: Pamela Davis, Todd Oberlander
Oregon State Representatives: Ed Hainline, Mary Reed

Bylaws of Pathfinder Club of the Northwest: Bylaws as amended 10/01/2022